Thursday, 12 June 2008

Snuggle up, read on!

Dead Connection - Charlie Price

Murray talks to the dead. And the dead talk back. Is he a psychic? He comforts them in their lonely graves, and they provide solace for him - they are his best friends. When he hears a new voice in the cemetery, he's sure it's Nikki, the cheerleader who has been missing for months. But who will believe him? He's a loser. Can he even believe himself?

Along comes Pearl, daughter of the cemetery caretaker, who befriends Murray and tries to enter his world. Together they may prove the astonishing possibility that Nikki is closer than anyone thinks.

Dead Connection twists and turns with multiple points of view. A gripping and suspenseful story.

Angelica's Review: Gripping? Indeed. Spooky? Oh yeah. Don't read before you go to bed.

24 girls in 7 days - Alex Bradley

There are a few things sadder than Jack Grammar's love life. So when his friends take it upon themselves to get him a date to the prom by placing an intensely humiliating ad in the school paper, they think they are doing him a favour. Jack doesn't agree.

But then the most amazing thing happens: Responses to the ad are overwhelming. So overwhelming, in fact, that Jack must narrow the list down. A lot. Not an easy task. Turns out, the girls at City High are quite the competitive bunch.

From drive-by flashings to breaking and entering to cell phone stalkers, these potential prom dates will stop at nothing to snag the suddenly popular Jack. How will he ever choose just one?

Angelica's Review: Erm ... fluffy. I generally dislike these kind of novels, but if you really need a break, this is the book for you teenagers. I kinda liked Jack's dialogues at some points. But that's it.

The Girl in Times Square - Paullina Simons

Lily Quinn is struggling to finish college and pay her rent. In bustling New York City, the most interesting things seem to happen to the people around her - until her best friend and roommate Amy disappears.

That's when Spencer O'Malley, a cynical NYPD detective, enters Lily's world. Though he is wary and wrestling with his own demons, he and Lily are irresistibly drawn to each other.

But fate isn't finished with Lily. Two pieces of extreme, life-changing luck - one good, one bad - are on their way. And, unknown to her, Spencer's search for the missing Amy is heading for a revelation that will make Lily question her most dearly-held beliefs about both her friend and her family ...

The Girl in Times Square is a heartrending and powerful story of love and lies, life and death.

Angelica's Review: Nope, haven't read it yet. Will review when I finally get around to reading it.